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GALLERY: Activities at Vatia Beach. Click here for more images.

So, what is it like to stay at the resort?

Mornings start with the sounds of crashing waves and chirping birds.


You could find ways to busy yourself.


Bicycles, kayaks, a volleyball and net are available at the resort.


Reception staff can arrange a hike or horse ride.


Swimming is always an option.Those who come prepared can also practice their snorkelling techniques.


Or you could just bask in the serenity of your surroundings. Which is generally the preferred option for most guests.

ABOVE: Freshly-picked papaya dominates a fruit salad.

IMAGE: Practice your snorkelling technique at Vatia Beach.

IMAGE: Vatia Beach Eco Resort staff photo, January 2016

The generator whirrs to life about sunset. 

It goes quiet between 10 pm and 11 pm, when staff and guests generally turn in for the night.

THE resort's food is also a crowd pleaser. 


The two-page food and drinks menu has some tasty options. But the real highlights are the specials of the day. 


Staff use produce from the organic garden to cook home-style meals.


I became addicted to their curries and stir-fries.


Most meals are eaten on the terrace, which has stunning views of the beach below.

YOU’LL be hard pressed to spend your days glued to electronic devices.

Wifi is available, but heavy use is discouraged. 

Flat batteries are best charged during the day, as the resort is solar powered. 

The power points in the bures have been disabled to conserve energy.

There are charging bays inside the main building.

PRAISE for the welcoming, friendly employees is consistent across Vatia Beach’s guest feedback.


The staff live at the resort during their shifts and return to their homes in Ba and Tavua on their days off.


Both towns are worth visiting to gain an appreciation for community life.


I visited Tavua market, where I found people were just as curious about me and my camera as I was about them and the goods they were selling.

IMAGE: Vatia Beach Eco Resort guest Francesca Musto bonds with her trusty steed during horse riding,

ABOVE: The view for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

ABOVE: Dhal soup and rice

ABOVE: Bring a good book or borrow one from the resort's collection.

GALLERY: Tavua market and township